Montag, 24. April 2017

Phillip Island

Andi and Laura who we know from the Germanies came to Australia. Laura likes penguins. Phillip Island has a lots of penguins and facilities built especially to watch them go from the water to their nests after sunset. So it was decided (by Laura) that we all go to Phillip Island so that she could see the penguins.

New BFF!
So we woke up way too early to go to the airport and pick up the rental car they would use for the Melbourne part of their trip. We hopped in and drove two hours to the south. We dropped our things in the motel and went to the Nobbies Centre first to get information about their penguin program. Then we went to the other side of the island in the north-east for a walk. I don't remember why we did that but it was a good decision.

In my mind this entry was going was going to have a huge amount of text because we spent one and a half full days there but now I don's think there is all that much to say about our walk other than it was beautiful.

We walked through a foresty bit where we often had a view of the sea and then we walked down to a watery bit where we walked on bridge-like structures made of wood floating slightly above the water. Then, on our way back we saw wallabies and kangaroos (I think).

These are pretty small so they are wallabies?
We took that car again and Andi and Laura dropped us at Cowes which is the only town on the island. They went on to the penguin show. Diana and me went to have some food.

For the first time since I know her, Diana wanted to have Italian food but because it was the first time and I couldn't tell if she offered to stay at the Italian restaurant we were at because of me as opposed to because of her, we went on and ate some fish and chips. It was, in Diana's words, the blandest fish she ever ate. Somehow I still feel guilty for that. After that we went to get some ice-cream and sat on the stairs close to the beach. Luckily, it was not the blandest ice-cream we ever ate. It was actually pretty good.

 Cowes is a nice quiet town, pretty likeable and I would have gone for a swim if it wasn't getting a bit chilly. We had at least another hour before we were going to get picked up but we didn't want to go have drinks of any kind because we ate too much and then additionally we ate ice-cream and we had enough of everything in our bodies. We went to a supermarket to buy some food for the next day and sat there and read our books until we were picked up.

This way to Antarctica.
On the next day we went to the south-west end of the island beyond the Nobbies centre because according to the maps we might be able to see sealions there. Unfortunately we didn't see any. Instead we got to see volcanic mass that is a couple of millions years old or something aaaaaaand ...

free penguins
We went to the end of the path and took some more photos. Everything was beautiful again but in a different kind of way compared to the north side of the island. When we felt we had enough beauty for the day, we took the car, Andi brought us to our train station and we parted ways for a while. They went on their own trip to the Great Ocean Road and we went back to Melbourne because I had to leave for Greece in two days.

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