Sonntag, 21. Mai 2017

Fiftienth Base - Blue Mountains

In the beginning God created the Blue Mountains and the hotels. Now the hotels were booked and full, nothing could be found in the time of Easter and the spirit of Pasco was hovering over the internets searching.

And God said "Let there be a single room freed" and there was a single room free. Pasco saw that the room was good and booked it over the internets. Pasco called it a night and it was one day before the visit of the canyon.

And the receptionist said "Let there be many beds" and there were many beds. Pasco was assured that there are no additional charges and it was good. So there were some single beds and a double bed but not enough mirrors.

It was good.
And Diana was cold and said "Let there be warmth" and there was warmth. Diana saw that the warmth was coming from the air-conditioning and the electric blanket and it was good. The mountains were cold compared to the Sydney and the blankets would keep us warm.

Diana and Pasco got in bed and it was very good. And there was night and there was morning - the good night's sleep.

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